Springfield Fet College

DHET REG: 2009 FE07/100

Opening Day 2017 Academic Year Engineering Studies
By:Mike B     Date Published:19-Jan-2017     Views:34386

Best Engineering Student 2016 giving study advise
My Name is Abongile Malgas, I'm a student at Springfield FET College. I was one of the students who managed to work hard and I achieved the best results as the best student in Maths and Science.

People the reason of being before you is not to embrace my self to you. I just want to persuade a change of attitudes to those who think that they are not able to perform well.

If there is a voice within you saying that "you can,t paint, you can,t do this or that" by all means if you let that voice down, I promise that voice will be silenced. 

Let me also take this opportunity to remind you that success will most certainly be punctuated by going from failure to failure without any loss of Enthusiasm. 

Some of you past last block, and some of you did not. You see one of the hardest decisions you.ll have to face in your life is choosing whether to walk away or try even harder. For those who who walk away, you do so because you are afraid of failing and here is a word of advise for you. Albert Einstein once said "A person who never made a mistake  never tied anything" 

All it takes right now as you are seated here ladies and gentlemen is to believe in yourself. If what you put your hands and mind on is important to you, you will find a way. If it is not, then you will find an excuse. And as I grow I notice that our greatest weakness is giving up. Yet on the other hand the most certain way to success is always trying just one more time.

Therefore I urge you to strive for progress not perfection. Don,t say I "wish" Say I "will" have a vision for yourself but remember a vision without execution is just hallucination. Be the conqueror of temptations in your path. No matter the number of obstacles you face your ability of trying again and again is what will pull you through.

Study what interests you the most, stay disciplined, relevant and as original as possible to your cause. 

I Thank You

Article by Abongile Malgas
Student at Springfield FET College Rustenburg Campus 
Course Electrical Engineering 

By: Mike B
Campus Director

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